Eigenstate localization in an asymmetric coupled quantum well pair
Aleksej Mialitsin, Stefan Schmult, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Brian Fluegel, Angelo Mascarenhas
Superlattices and Microstructures
834 — 841
Optical pumping of a type-I/type-II coupled asymmetric quantum well pair induces a spatially separated twodimensional charge carriers plasma in the well's wide and narrow parts. Treating the two coupled wells as a single system we find that the eigenstate probability distribution localizes exclusively either in the wide or the narrow parts of the well pair. The energy of the narrow-well localized state determines the minimal excitation energy for optically pumped charge carriers separation. In a previously used design [Guliamov et al., PRB 64 035314 (2001)] this narrow well transition energy was measured to correspond to a wavelength of 646 nm. We propose modifications to the design suggested earlier with the purpose of pushing up the energy required for the optical pumping of the two-dimensional plasma into the green and blue regions of the visible spectrum.