
Autoantibody Profiling in Lupus Patients using Synthetic Nucleic Acids, Martin Klecka, Christina Thybo, Claudia Macaubas, Ilia Solov'yov, Julia Simard, Imelda Maria Balboni, Emily Fox, Anne Voss, Elizabeth D. Mellins, Kira Astakhova, Scientific Reports, 8, 5554, (2018)
Double-Cone Localization and Seasonal Expression Pattern Suggest a Role in Magnetoreception for European Robin Cryptochrome 4, Anja Günther, Angelika Einwich, Emil Sjulstok, Regina Feederle, Petra Bolte, Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Henrik Mouritsen, Current Biology, 28, 211-223, (2018)
StUbEx PLUS-A Modified Stable Tagged Ubiquitin Exchange System for Peptide Level Purification and In-Depth Mapping of Ubiquitination Sites, Vyacheslav Akimov, Louise C. B. Olsen, Sten V. F. Hansen, Inigo Barrio-Hernandez, Michele Puglia, Søren S. Jensen, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Irina Kratchmarova, Blagoy Blagoev, Journal of Proteome Research, 17, 296-304, (2018)
Automated, parallel mass spectrometry imaging and structural identification of lipids, Shane R Ellis, Martin R. L. Paine, Gert B. Eijkel, Josch K. Pauling, Peter Husen, Mark W. Jervelund, Martin Hermansson, Christer S. Ejsing, Ron M. A. Heeren, Nature Methods, 15, 515-518, (2018)
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Ascorbic acid may not be involved in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception, Claus Nielsen, Daniel R. Kattnig, Emil Sjulstok, P. J. Hore, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14, 20170657, (2017)
Computational reconstruction reveals a candidate magnetic biocompass to be likely irrelevant for magnetoreception, Ida Friis, Emil Sjulstok, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Scientific Reports, 7, 13908, (2017)
On binding specificity of (6-4) photolyase to a T(6-4)T DNA photoproduct, Katrine Aalbæk Jepsen, Ilia A. Solov'yov, European Physical Journal D, 71, 155-165, (2017)
Charge transfer at the Qo-site of the cytochrome bc1 complex leads to superoxide production, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Peter Husen, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121, 1771-1782, (2017)
Glutamate water gates in the ion binding pocket of Na+ bound Na+,K+ -ATPase, Minwoo Han, Wojciech Kopec, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Himanshu Khandelia, Scientific Reports, 7, 39829, (2017)