
Adaptive evolution and loss of a putative magnetoreceptor in passerines, Corinna Langebrake, Georg Manthey, Anders Frederiksen, Juan S. Lugo Ramos, Julien Y. Dutheil, Raisa Chetverikova, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Henrik Mouritsen, Miriam Liedvogel, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.\ (Biological Sciences), 291, 20232308, (2024)
Structural Flexibility Slows Down Charge Transfers in Diaminoterephthalate-C60 Dyads, Daniel Timmer, Germann Hergert, Luca Gerhards, Daniel C. Lünemann, Nils Schröder, Tobias Greven, Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt, Antonietta De Sio, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Jens Christoffers, Christoph Lienau, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 2380-2391, (2024)
Biotin-cGMP and -cAMP are able to permeate through the gap junctions of some amacrine cells in the mouse retina despite their large size, Chunxu Yuan, Luca Gerhards, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Karin Dedek, Frontiers in Ophthalmology, 3, 1334602, (2024)
Peculiar Differences between Two Copper Complexes Containing Similar Redox-Active Ligands: Density Functional and Multiconfigurational Calculations, Luca Gerhards, Marco Werr, Olaf Hübner, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Hans-Jörg Himmel, Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 961-975, (2024)
Simulating spin biology using a digital quantum computer: Prospects on a near-term quantum hardware emulator, Pedro H. Alvarez, Farhan T. Chowdhury, Luke D. Smith, Trevor J. Brokowski, Clarice D. Aiello, Daniel R. Kattnig, Marcos C. de Oliveira, APL Quantum, 1, 036114, (2024)
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A marine cryptochrome with an inverse photo-oligomerization mechanism, Hong Ha Vu, Heide Behrmann, Maja Hanić, Gayathri Jeyasankar, Shruthi Krishnan, Dennis Dannecker, Constantin Hammer, Monika Gunkel, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Eva Wolf, Elmar Behrmann, Nature Communication, 14, 6918, (2023)
Long-Time Oxygen and Superoxide Localization in Arabidopsis thaliana Cryptochrome, K. Michael Salerno, Janna Domenico, Nam Q. Le, Krithika Balakrishnan, Ryan J. McQuillen, Christopher D. Stiles, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Carlos F. Martino, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 63, 6756-6767, (2023)
Conformationally Restricted Glycopeptide Backbone Inhibits Gas-Phase H/D Scrambling between Glycan and Peptide Moieties, Christian Code, Danwen Qiu, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Jung-Goo Lee, Hyeon-Cheol Shin, Christopher Roland, Celeste Sagui, Damian Houde, Kasper D. Rand, Thomas J. D. Jørgensen, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 23925-23938, (2023)
Introducing the Automated Ligand Searcher, Luise Jacobsen, Jonathan Hungerland, Vladimir Bačić, Luca Gerhards, Fabian Schuhmann, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 63, 7518-7528, (2023)