Former Member
Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Physik
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Room: W16 A 1-116
Phone: (+49) 0441-798 3635
Email: gesa.gruening@uni-oldenburg.de
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gesa-Gruening-2
Picture:©Präsentationstechnik Carl von Ossietzky Universität OldenburgEducation
2011-2015 Bachelor of Science in Physics at Heidelberg University
Bachlor thesis topic: Is life possible on giant planets?
2015-2018 Master of Science in Physics at Heidelberg University
Master thesis topic: Are neutron-capture processes different in old and in new stars?
Short term research stays abroad
2013, July-October Research internship at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (quantum information)
2016, March-July Research internship at the UNSW in Sydney, Australia (black holes and neutrino condensates)
2016, September-December Research internship at the UNSW in Sydney, Australia (stellar spectra)
2023, June Lab visit at the University of Oxford, UK (experimental measurements on cryptochromes and spin chemistry)
PhD project: Spin relaxation in European robin cryptochrome (ErCry4)
Goal: Helping to understand how migratory birds can see the Earth's magnetic field by creating a computational model of spin relaxation in cryptochrome proteins which links the different spatial scales of the electron spin and its relaxation channels (interactions of electron spins, atoms, radical pairs, proteins).
Part of the SFB 1372 Sig05 "Structural and dynamical traits of avian cryptochromes"
Other interests: Spin relaxation in other systems (e.g. a lipid bilayer)
Conferences (selected)
20.-25.08.2023 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance Conference (ISMAR 2023), Brisbane, Australia (talk)
13.01.2023 14th North German Biophysics meeting, Borstel, Germany (talk)
22.09.2022 12th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2022), Heidelberg, Germany (talk)
27.08.-03.09.2022 Spinchemistry meeting, Evanston, USA (poster)
09.-11.05.2022 Quantum birds, Oxford, UK (attendance)
08.-09.04.2022 Hünfeld - Workshop on Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hünfeld, Germany (poster prize, chairing some sessions)
18.-22.10.2021 The Sixth International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" and the Tenth International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions" (DySoN-ISACC 2021), Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy (short talk)
25.08.2021 Topical Meeting on Molecular Dynamics V, Copenhagen, Denmark (poster)
23.-24.04.2021 Hünfeld - Workshop on Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, online (poster)