Lectures and talks
12th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2022)
,Heidelberg, Germany, September 18 — 23, 2022
, 2022-09-22Contributed talk
Topical Meeting on Molecular Dynamics. VI.
,Copenhagen, Denmark, August 23, 2022
, 2022-08-23Oral contribution
Colloquium of the IRIS Adlershof
,Berlin, Germany
, 2022-07-04Invited talk
,Oldenburg, Germany
, 2022-06-29Seminar talk
Interaction mechanisms of magnetic fields with biological systems - from molecular dynamics simulations to experiment
,München, Germany
, 2022-05-24Invited talk
1st Annual MultIChem Conference (MultIChem 2022)
,Boppard, Germany
, 2022-05-16Invited talk
SFB1372 annual meeting
,Schneverdingen, Germany, March 28 — 30, 2022
, 2022-03-29Progress report
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials Colloquium
,Groningen, The Netherlands
, 2022-03-24Colloquium talk
CECAM Workshop "Multiscale modelling of irradiation-driven processes for emerging technologies"
,Lausanne, Switzerland
, 2022-03-16Invited talk
COST Workshop "Irradiation-driven chemistry: Multiscale approach"
,Lausanne, Switzerland
, 2022-03-15Invited talk