Lectures and talks

Presentation date in any machine readable format (YY-MM-DD is preferred)
Ilia A. Solov'yov,

SFB1372 annual meeting


Zoom, Internet

, 2020-09-14

Progress report

Ida Tolbøll Friis,

Topical Meeting on Molecular Dynamics IV


Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark

, 2020-08-25

Invited Talk

Anders Frederiksen,

Master's defense


Odense, Denmark

, 2020-06-13

Master's defense

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Quantum Birds ERC meeting


Zoom, Internet

, 2020-05-14

Progress report

20192019-12-31, 2019
Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Carl von Ossietzky University


Oldenburg, Germany

, 2019-12-09

Inagural lecture

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Carl von Ossietzky University Department of Physics Colloquium


Oldenburg, Germany

, 2019-11-14

Colloquium talk

Ida Tolbøll Friis,

High Performance Computations Group


Odense, Denmark

, 2019-11-13

Seminar Talk

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Copenhagen Bioscience Lecture — Quantum Biology


Copenhagen, Denmark

, 2019-11-07

Invited talk