Adrian Bøgh Salo

Adrian Bøgh Salo
Masters Student

Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

Room: Ø13-602b-1
Tel: +45-6550-7163




Short CV

2011-2015: Bachelor in Computer Science with a minor in Physics at SDU (not completed)
2015-2017: Bachelor in Physics at SDU
2017-2019: Master in Physics at SDU


Current research:
I'm currently working on formulating a model describing the dynamics of free electrons in a medium, specifically biological tissue. The model describing the free electrons can be applied to study the effects of radiation cancer therapy on cancer cells and healthy tissue, hopefully leading to a better understanding of radiation caused biodamage.

Research interests:
My main areas of interest are computational physics and high performance computing, including developing efficient and user friendly software.


Quantum mechanical simulations of a carbon ion colliding with a biological target, Andreas Alberg-Fløjborg, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53, 145202, (2020)
Introducing VIKING: A Novel Online Platform for Multiscale Modeling, Vasili Korol, Peter Husen, Emil Sjulstok, Claus Nielsen, Ida Friis, Anders Frederiksen, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Ilia A. Solov'yov, ACS Omega, 5, 1254-1260, (2020)
Kvantemekanisk simulering af elektrondynamikken i ionstrålekræftterapi, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Andreas Alberg-Fløjborg, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Kvant, 3, 18-20, (2018)
Free-electron production from nucleotides upon collision with charged carbon ions, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Andreas Alberg-Fløjborg, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Physical Review A, 98, 012702, (2018)
Charge transfer at the Qo-site of the cytochrome bc1 complex leads to superoxide production, Adrian Bøgh Salo, Peter Husen, Ilia A. Solov'yov, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121, 1771-1782, (2017)